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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Annotated Bibliography 3

Davis, N.E.(2010). Global interdisciplinary research into the diffusion of information technology innovations in education. Researching IT in education: theory, practice and future directions, 142-149. 

Description: This chapter reviews the diffusion of information technology innovations through an ecological perspective. The author notes that reviews of interdisciplinary literature on the diffusion of innovations focuses on innovation primarily from the perspective of those wanting the innovation adopted. The ecology of the classroom is described and examples of the impact of the introduction of a new technology are discussed as examples. The chapter concludes that the ecological perspective is a good fit for describing the diffusion of information technologies. It is also identifies that the process of diffusion is complex, because it impacts on and is impacted by multiple ecologies. Knowledge of the process of diffusion is important as this may speed up or slow down the process of diffusion.
Evaluation: This chapter is from a credible source references a number of the and effectively reviews the key diffusion theories, particularly in an educational context. A pertinent point for me was the recommendation that published research is reviewed and critiqued from an ecological perspective. The consideration of multiple ecologies and how they work in facilitating (and in some cases frustrating) the diffusion of technologies is also a consideration for my research. 

Robinson, L.(2009). A summary of diffusion of innovations. Retrieved July 19, 2013.

Description: In this article the author attempts to explain how innovations are adopted. the author describes an innovation as an idea, a behaviour, or an object that is perceived as new by its audience. He identifies three insights into the diffusion of innovation: i) the qualities that make an innovation spread quickly, ii) the importance of peer-peer conversations and networks, and iii) understanding the needs of the different user segments. The five qualities of an innovation that can advance this process are: relative advantage, compatibility, ease of use, trialability and observable results. The article also identifies the different levels of adoption of an innovation and strategies to engage the more risk aversive in the process.
Evaluation: This article provides a good overview of the literature around the diffusion of innovations and enabled me to understand the process is a simplistic way. If there is an advantage to the user in adopting an innovation, the more likely the innovation will be adopted. Strategies to engage more reluctant users in the adoption of an innovation was very useful this term at school as we look to adopt a new technology school-wide.

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