Evans, L., & Chauvin, S. (1993). Faculty developers as change facilitators: The concerns-based adoption model.
Description: The paper focuses on the Stages of Concern (SoC) around the implementation of a new innovation. These range from Stage 0-Awareness where the participant is not concerned about the innovation through to Stage 6-Refocusing where the participant has ideas about something that would work even better. Hall and Hord (1987) developed three methods to assess the stages of concern about an innovation: 1. one-legged conferences, 2. open-ended statements, and 3. the Stages of Concern Questionaire. Once the intensity of an individual's concern is established an intervention can be developed to target the stage of concern. The paper concludes that the CBAM model is a useful concept for facilitating individuals and groups in implementing innovations. It identifies from a number of studies that the model is useful in effecting long-term sustainable change.
Evaluation: This is one of many papers that discuss the effectiveness of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) in introducing innovation into schools and other institutions. I like the way the process is based around identifying the barriers to implementation through some pretty thorough processes and providing targetted support to provide the individual with the information they need exactly where they are. The difficulty for me in terms of the critique of this and other models is they focus on the impact at the individual level and I am looking at the implementation at a policy level, so need to consider carefully which model I choose for the assignment.
Evaluation: This is one of many papers that discuss the effectiveness of the Concerns Based Adoption Model (CBAM) in introducing innovation into schools and other institutions. I like the way the process is based around identifying the barriers to implementation through some pretty thorough processes and providing targetted support to provide the individual with the information they need exactly where they are. The difficulty for me in terms of the critique of this and other models is they focus on the impact at the individual level and I am looking at the implementation at a policy level, so need to consider carefully which model I choose for the assignment.
Garcelon, M. (2009). An information commons? Creative Commons and public access to cultural creations. New media & society, 11(8), 1307-1326.
Description: This paper is a response to an intellectual property conception of copyright that had been dominant in American law since the 1970s. It identifies the intent of the original copyright law from 1790, that made a clear distinction between ideas and their expression. The argument was ideas should remain in the public domain, but the expression of ideas would be able to be protected by copyright for a limited period of time.The extensions of copyright defined in the Sonny Bono Copyright Act would mean that cultural creations would effectively be under a defacto permanent monopoly. Creative Commons is a response to this, and endeavours to recapture Thomas Jefferson's original intent.Evaluation: This is a well written and informative paper. This provided me with an overview of the Creative Commons movement, and the legislative shifts that prompted this. This is an important paper for me as it captures the intent of the movement and the important shift in terms of my research around intellectual property and copyright law.
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