I believe that storytelling is a powerful tool for transformation. The use of scenario planning enables a systems based approach to be linked with a process of imagining that enables us to harness the strength of both. I see one of the advantages of scenario planning being that it enables us to be open to future scenarios and move beyond the limitations of what we are personally comfortable with. It requires us to have an awareness of the issues and trends that are present at a local, national and global level.
The process requires the inclusion of all stakeholders to be part of the imagining process. It enables us to draw all of our resources. Between us all we have the answer.
One of the disadvantages there could be to the process is the strength of the process is reliant on the ability to assimilate and synthesise what could potentially be hundreds of potential scenarios, so a highly level of skill to identify and group what are potentially similiar futures is key to the distillation of these down to a small number of futures. I suppose this comes back to the levels of openess and awareness stakeholders bring to the process.
I see this as a very good process to use in my context. We come into the third year of my leadership next year we had spoken at a lead level about casting our vision out for the next three years. How much more useful would it be to push ourselves out 15 years to when our new entrants will enter employment and backmap future histories from that place. It means that our actions today are more meaningful and impactful tomorrow. It will enable us to develop strategy that impacts beyond our regular three year review.
I would like to learn more about the process of scenario planning and look at how it can be implemented at macro and micro levels.
You've come to the right place to learn a little more about scenario planning. In fact, you will have the opportunity to start drafting scenarios for your school in this mOOC :-)